If your images have a white or other single-tone background, you can use either of the following methods to prepare the art for coloring: This can be either an image created digitally or something that was done outside the computer and has been scanned. Often an artist, for example a comic book colorist, will need to take a pencil sketch or other line art of some sort and use Krita to paint underneath it. You can view the recorded speed painting demo for the above image on Youtube. Below is an example of speed paint done by David Revoy in an hours time. Krita has some efficient brushes for this situation, for example, the brushes under Block Tag like Block fuzzy, Block basic, layout_block, etc.Īfter the composition and a basic layout has been laid out the artists add as many details as possible in the given limited time, this requires a decent knowledge of forms, value perspective and proportions of the objects. Generally, artists first block in the composition by adding patches and blobs of flat colors, defining the silhouette, etc. Speed painting then can be taken forward by adding finer details and polish to create a final piece. Some artists set a time limit to complete the painting while some paint casually. Finishing and finer details are not the main goals of this type of painting, but the representation of form value and layout is the main goal. As the name suggests a technique of painting done within a matter of hours to quickly visualize the basic scene, character, look and feel of the environment or to denote the general mood and overall concept is called a speed painting. Some artists work only on the digital medium, sketching and visualizing concepts in Krita from scratch. Below are some of the common workflows used in Krita: Speed Painting and Conceptualizing ¶

However, let us look at what artists do in Krita. The brush tool is selected by default and you just have to paint on the canvas.

When you open a new document in Krita for the first time, you can start painting instantly. This section explains some common workflow that artists use in Krita. Krita is used by comic artists, matte painters, texture artists, and illustrators around the world. Krita’s main goal is to help artists create a digital painting from scratch.